Nice code, you could make it more detailed for it to be easier for the user to play, this can be done with something called pygame check it out (, download a couple of projects off there and look at its code. And again, that's going to be just a simple example, to show you how that method I'm talking about works. So this is the exact location that we look to take some actions when we want to display regular information about an open cell. Now you can see that it says here, a left click Actions takes one positional argument, but two were given. So that means that I can just use here utils dot height Poct and passing year 75. When you run your AI (as by clicking AI Move), note that it will not always win! And that's going to be very cool doing all of those. Jim from JimShapedCoding developed this course. You know what, let's import just the button class. And the y value is going to be the same because as you can see the y value here in the here are the same. And we are in good position to continue doing those manipulations to store more variables. And now that I have this, then I can just go ahead and run it. Minesweeper: A standardized openAI gym environment implementing Minesweeper game, This version of Minesweeper is based on the classic computer game. And I'm going to check if underscore mine, then I'm going to increase the counter by one. Whenever we click on a cell, we check if that is a mine. But the way that you should quit again, with an exception is really up to you. Getting Started Installation python -m pip install pygame-minesweeper # or pip install pygame-minesweeper Start a game And then I'm going to iterate over the surrounding sales objects. Alright, so now that we understood this, then let's see how we are going to interactively change the text. So in the left frame, we see that we use 25% of the entire width. has been implemented for you, and contains all of the code to run the graphical interface for the game. Because that is where everything starts in terms of pixels. So that's a great starting to prepare the algorithm that we want to write to have the Minesweeper game. So surrounded cells is going to be equal to a new list, which is going to look like the following. So now it's safe to remove this from here and have a metal I'd like the following. But until now a perfect job bringing on the surrounded cell objects. So I will open up the parentheses and I will say between those read size power of two, and then I can divide it by four. And I'm going to mark it as a property like that by using this decorator. So I'm not executing my original project. And we probably want to do that because our project is going to be in a window, and I'm going to name my variable root and this one is going to be equal to an instantiation of that key role the T K. And that's just the most basic elements that you can create. So now we're going to need to write a method that will pick up some cell objects. And then I'm going to pass here self dot y minus one, right, and that's the fifth value, going to check that the sixth one is going to be so the previous one was the fifth value. So we're also going to receive here, another parameter that we can name location, and I'm going to go inside of it. But we're going to need to use a one liner list comprehension, you know, to eliminate the nonce, so that's going to be something like the following. Now one of the first things that I want to do is to change the background color of the cell. So you can see that we have a formula that we should be following. minesweeper minesweeper-game minesweeper-python Updated And I can multiply that with the percentage amount. Alright, so I'm going to say here, right click Actions. So for example, I could temporarily only execute the file and just test my function, I could go ahead and try to call it and passing il 25. and validate that I will really receive 100 ad back. And now I can really allow myself to delete the original text that we had previously. Right, we are going to go to our cell file, and we are going to create a button instance that is going to be belong to each cell object. Complete the implementations of the Sentence class and the MinesweeperAI class in And that is achievable by basically passing in false twice, one for the weight, and the other one for the height. Get smarter at building your thing. We just published a Python course on the YouTube channel that will teach you how to code Minesweeper using the tkinter library. So I'm going to start my first for loop and I'm going to say for x in range of five for example. And here, obviously, you can put any numbers you would like to now pay attention what will happen if I was to replace those with actual numbers like the following, then you will see the difference immediately. So if we click on 1.1, then we should be bringing the cells that are 0.0 0.1 0.2. And to really show you those windows side by side, let me use the right click and split vertically option. If three doesn't work when you right click three, also button dash two. So you can say cell for cell in surrounded cells. That is to say, if the staff attempts to access, where USERNAME is your GitHub username, that is exactly where your file should live. So if we were to go ahead and run this, then you can see that I have a button right there and it is clickable. Python AlzyWelzy / minesweeper Sponsor Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests Uncover hidden mines with Python's Minesweeper game board object. Alright, so there is going to be one more thing that we want to do immediately when we go ahead and click on a cell and that's going to be displaying the num Have mines that are surrounded that sell. Write and run code in 50+ languages online with Replit, a powerful IDE, compiler, & interpreter. So settings dot grid size, and if I remember correctly, grid size stores six in here, because we just set it to six. The first two values denote cell location, while the last one denotes flagging. LinkedIn So if we were to run that, and you can see that we have the most basic window that is possible. Minesweeper game written in Python using Tkinter GUI library. minesweeper-python So in order to have a collection of all of our instances in one place, then it is a great idea to create a class attribute inside our cell class, which we can name something like all. So that's exactly what we want it now just for really making sure that you understood this, I am going to change this to x to 20. And I'm going to say router dot Configure. So that's why it makes sense to mark it as a static method. And what that means, it means that over here we have three minds. So I'm going to again, right click here, and again here, and as well as here, you can see that this work. Dig at a location with neighboring bombs, uncover those spots or recursively dig for those with no neighboring bombs. Alright, so now that we have done this, then I can allow myself to do something like the following. And I'm going to set this to false, because in the beginning of the game, it makes sense to say that each cell is not opened yet. So if we were to take a look in the left click Actions, then you can see that we have a separation between a cell that is actually a mine to a cell that is not a mine. Because if we count the surrounding cells, then we have here 1234, and five. All right, so now, we might think that we have the perfect game without any bugs. And that's what I'm about to do right now. Now those eight objects could be basically pulled from this get cell by exes method. And this means that we have completed writing this logic in the best way that we can. And I see that we don't have any input line about the settings. Now the case that we win again, is in case that we have the amount of sales being equal to amount of minds. So I'm going to say here for cell in cell dot all and just pay attention that I'm using the class name, so c should be in uppercase. So that is achievable by doing something like that. And you can see that this works perfectly, you can see that once I clicked on zero, then we got all the numbers that are surrounded the click cell in the first stage. So we should start iterating over the cells that are surrounding that cell and check if each one of those are mines or not. Minesweeper clone made in python using pygame. And that will be equal to button like that. So the expected reaction here is whenever we click left click excuse me on their cell, then we should be displaying a number, which that number will represent how many minds there are surrounded that cell. So I just wanted to show you how to create a button before we go ahead and write some more code. So we can differentiate between the cells that we mark as mine candidates. So in order to show what we should be doing right now with the gate sell by access method. So when I go ahead and execute our program, then you can see that I receive Jim and Michael. TikTok So let's actually try to execute our game one more time. So I will go here and create a cell Python file right and I will zoom in a bit so everyone can see and I will use class. So now that we have done this, then we probably like to test if that is something that's going to work. The Sentence class will be used to represent logical sentences of the form described in the Background. That's going to be the second argument of the bind method. Alright, so now that we have done this, then we need to understand that we are going to have some problems in the future, if we will keep using that placement or in order to place our elements. So that's exactly what we should do now, in order to not face with a situation like the following where we have an open cell, but we also have the cell as being shown like mine candidate, which is pretty funny and we need to handle that. Mar 31, 2015 at 20:28. So if self dot surrounded cells minds length is equal to zero, then we should do something. a verified certificate, a professional certificate, or transfer credit and accreditation, CS50s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python,, Once in the directory for the project, run, The function should add a new sentence to the AIs knowledge base, based on the value of. Alright, so right after we have this message box, and right after we clicked OK, then we should just terminate the game, we should exit it. And then the second argument is the amount of elements that you want to pick each time. And that will be equal to read size power of two like that. And then I can go ahead and say, create btn object. And actually go ahead and change the placement method from grid on both of those buttons here. So in order to test this, then let's go ahead and use changed like that, and see how it is going to behave. And we want this frame in the crude and then we will say something like BG equals to another color. So this means that I can access the label object by referring to cell dot cell count label object. And now you can just use it as an attribute exactly like the attributes that we have here in the in it. And we could have another frame right here. So I'm just going to pass in here self dot y, and again, comma separated. The row and column numbers displayed along with the grid are helpful for our input system. So we can just add here, one more frost slash, and that will be okay. Note that any time that you make any change to your AIs knowledge, it may be possible to draw new inferences that werent possible before. So my list is going to be sale dot all because that is the collection that I want to pick some objects randomly from it, right. So it's a great idea to just have a method that is not belong to each instance, besides it is belongs globally to the class. Because think about the situation that we clicked here, right? Now currently, we do not receive any additional parameters other than the self, which is mandatory in instance methods. There is absolutely no reason to use Python 2 for new code in 2021. So I'm going to go ahead and start with a basic filtration that will help us to give us back the cell object that we need. Each sentence has a set of cells within it and a count of how many of those cells are mines. So I'm going to go ahead and say comment, like call the label from the cell class. Now I'm going to grab those arguments and pass in the same changing this method to greet as well. And we can allow ourselves to basically write a check for all the eight cells. So we need to go ahead and call this method and we need to pass in BG equals to whatever color we like to. If I was only passing your five, then it will generate 0123 and four like that. Minesweeper game using Tkinter GUI with additional features like authorization, save & continue the game, and game results history. Okay, let me prove you by also try to click with my right mouse click. So we can try to increase this amount of X to 40, something like that, and re execute our game. So we can start thinking about some good candidates for variables that we'd like to store here. So let me show you how that's going to work. So if we delete this, now I'm going to go ahead and just write a generic message. Now we are not going to use too much external libraries, or too much code that is dependent on the version of the Python. So it's going to be countered, plus equals one. Now, this is actually a mind because for example, if we take a look at this cell, right, you can see that it's supposed to have one mind, in here, here, here, here or there. So what we really want to do is to have the exact same list, but we want to eliminate the nuns. More generally, any time the number of cells is equal to the count, we know that all of that sentences cells must be mines. Now, if you remember, we use to store inside the label information about the left cells meaning the settings, that cell count. And we are going to say here button is equal to a button like that. This means that, once we know whether a cell is a mine or not, we can update our sentences to simplify them and potentially draw new conclusions. Now pay attention that I call this method. The number of flags does not exceed the number of mines. So we wanted to place it in the middle of our page, right, so we need to take that value and divide it with two, so the axis x is 720. So here we have three minds surrounded and as well as here. And I'm only going to change the text inside of that. So I'm going to click here, mine candidate, and then left click. This can be done by: In the code, we choose a random number from all possible cells in the grid. And if you remember, we already have a method that is called right click Actions. Whether the cell to be flagged is already displayed to the player. Getting Started Installation python -m pip install pygame-minesweeper # or pip install pygame-minesweeper Start a game So we should be seeing the results when I execute this game. So it will be self dot cell btn object dot Configure. So in order to do this, then I'm going to go ahead and say top underscore frame dot place. So the next line that I'm going to write here is to instantiate a window instance. And this needs to be configured every time a cell is being clicked because we need to so called refresh the information that is displayed in that label. And before we do that, I want you to notice something important in here, you will see that the sales left is not decreased. But let me tell you that we still have some problems that we could figure out in order to have the perfect game and the perfect code for the game. And if we want to test that this is going to work, I can again allow myself to execute this file and confirm that. And then if the click cell is a mind, then I want to start taking several actions. So I'm going to go ahead and say cell count label is equal to none. And I'm just going to do the same thing like we have done previously. But in the background, in the real Python code, we have two frames that are divided, just like we wanted. And we can immediately go back to our file and say something like import settings. And we can go ahead and say that it's text could be a formatted string, like cells left, and let's use a colon, and then I can go ahead and use something like the following, I can refer to the amount of cells that we already know from the settings. And it's going to take a lot of algorithms that we We'll be writing inside methods inside the cell class. And that's happening, because it thinks that it should also decrease the amounts for the minds that are here as well. And that is that's going to be the sixth value. So imagine again, that we are going to click on 1.1 As an example, right? So with that being said, let's get started. Because that's going to be helpful to see in what situation of game we are currently at. And that's why not only that, it decreased to 32. Consider just the two sentences our AI would know based on the top middle cell and the bottom middle cell. Now, before we go ahead, sorry about the confusion here, I think it will be better if we will say column equals to x and row equals to y. And now if we were to go ahead and run our program, then you can see that we have a difference. And this value could be false for each of our cells at first, the reason that this could happen is because at first we never Mark ourselves as mine candidates, we just start with a new blank game. And that's going to be a an empty list temporarily. Now let's say that in this case, we have nine mines in our game, right? But if you don't know what is the property decorator, then I have an object oriented programming series that you can go ahead and take a look. And that is just not good, because mine's count will be an integer. For example, we could have a function that will calculate how much is 20% of the entire height of our window, right? So let me show you how this could look like. So what that means it means that every time that show sale is being called, we could basically decrease the amount of sales by one. And now that we have done this, then I'm going to pass in the location argument. And I'm going to go back to our actual code. And I can do the same when I want to locate my left frame. And I'm going to call this method like that, besides, I'm just going to give it the reference, like the following. So it makes sense to at first have the value of 36, for example, for this class attribute. Now if you really want to test that, you can go ahead and after calling the randomize minds in the left side, you can go ahead and use something like for C in cell dot all then print the mine. The player has to prevent himself from landing on a mine with the help of numbers in the neighbouring tiles. def minesweeper (array): # Vertical iterations for lineIndex in range (len (array)): line = array [lineIndex] outputLine = [] # Horizontal iterations for cellIndex in range (len (line)): # Check cell content if (line [cellIndex] == "O"): northIndex = lineIndex - 1 eastIndex = cellIndex - 1 southIndex = lineIndex + 1 westIndex = cellIndex + 1 So if we click on those Free, then those are pretty safe because we have zero here. And I can do that by writing if Mine. So I'm going to left click basically open some cells. Now what you're going to see is just a window that is looking like a pure black window. And now that we have done this, let's see the results. 29b3c98 10 hours ago. Dig at a location with neighboring bombs, uncover those spots or recursively dig for those with no neighboring bombs. And I can say, settings dot height, divided by 100. Now let's say that I think that this is a mine here. So I'm going to say print surrounded cells to see that we have done a wonderful job. All right, so now that we have a method that brings in the surrounded sales objects, then we need to iterate over the surrounded sales objects, and identify which one of those are mines, and which of those are not mines. So that's a method that is going to be really helpful again, and that's going to be something that we are going to understand in a couple of minutes. And in that case, we can conditional our program to only decrease the sale count if the sale is not open yet. So that's why this needs to be a static method. You signed in with another tab or window. And then we will also see how the button class is going to be involved within that cell class we will start developing but let's actually go ahead and start working on this right. And just for a temporarily example, let's give it also a random text like text like that just as a beginner. So I'm going to start by size of maybe for the eighth, see if that's going to be too much and that is, so I'm going to change the to maybe 30. And you can also see that I received the values of x axis and y axis for the exact location that it was clicked. So I'm going to scroll here, and I'm going to say from TK inter Import button and label as well. The game is fully implemented using Object Oriented Programming. And once we do that, then we are totally fine. If on show sale, we have the expected match, right, where sales count is equal to the minds count. As we know, keeping track of mines without any indicator can be difficult. Jim has created many popular courses on our channel, and is an excellent teacher. And we handled a lot of things that could lead to trouble in the future. PyQt5 PySide2 python from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * Playing Field So this means that our code is going to be here. So I'm just going to right click, continue opening that. Note: The randint function can only be used after importing the random library. So let's test if that is going to continue working great. And I'm talking about a magic method that is called our EPR. And that is pretty much the value that we look to have, when we want to have at least a fair Minesweeper game, we don't want to have half of the value, we don't want to have like 27 minds, because that's just going to be too difficult to to win that game. And it will be helpful when we want to create tons of buttons in order to start preparing for the Minesweeper game. The players motive behind this move is to unlock a cell that does not contain a mine. So that is going to be very cool designing this thing in the Minesweeper game, giving the events for our buttons is actually very fun part of our game. minesweeper selenium selenium-python minesweeper-solver Updated on Jan 30, 2021 Python nitinkarolla / AI Star 6 Code Issues Pull requests Introduction to AI assignment python csp minesweeper constraint-satisfaction-problem artificial-intelligence dfs bfs maze-solver astar-pathfinding mazerunner maze-explorer minesweeper-solver
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minesweeper code python 2023